Fujifilm provides a new solution with compact digital X-ray cart system for critical moments you face everyday.
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Patient friendly
Minimum exposure is desirable when taking X-ray images of a new born or infant. Dramatic dose reduction is possible by utilizing Fujifilm core technology.
Medical scene such as Emergency rooms are crowded with equipments and staffs. Freedom of movement is possible with four wheel caster and extremely light weight X-ray cart.
Combining Fujifilm core technology of Cassette DR with image processing and compact Digital X-ray cart, we provide a innovation to the workflow of taking X-rays.
Medical equipment surface tends to have high risk for transferring germs, and it is essential to maintaining clean equipments in Operation rooms.
Innovative technologies to achieve high resolution and low dose
Our ability to capture sharper images at a lower dose, which we have enhanced over the course of many years as a cassetteDR manufacture, brings out the best of the”Ultra-high sensitivity system.”
Comparison with conventional method
The image of big size patient acquired by FDR nano.
Weight:203kg, Body thickness:55cm